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Minsthorpe Community College


Important Information about applying for admission into Year 7


If your child is due to transfer to secondary school in September 2025 you must apply for a school place, even if you want your child to attend your catchment secondary school.

The Local Authority will not be sending out transitional applications as a matter of course and are expecting all parents to apply online.

The online application system will open for parents who live in the Wakefield district on 01 September 2024 – please read the guide on the Local Authority website before using the system.

Complete your online application at and submit it by the closing date of 31 October 2024.

Submitting your application on time is extremely important – as a guide, in recent years 93% of on-time applicants were offered a place at their 1st preference school, compared to only 55% of late applicants.

College Open Evenings

We welcome prospective students and their parents/carers at the College at any mutually convenient time. To arrange a visit please contact us via email at




Admissions Policy 2024/25

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Post 16 Admissions Policy 2024/25

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Admissions Policy 2025/26

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Post 16 Admissions Policy 2025/26

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Secondary School Places



1st September 2024

Applications for secondary school places open online.

31st October 2024

Closing date for applications.

3rd March 2025

National Offer Day –

Offer and refusal notification. Updated online and posted for postal applications.





3rd March 2025 Onwards

Secondary Appeals Process Opens


Important Information About Appeals

  • Appeals may be lodged with the Local Authority from the above dates.
  • Parents are requested to complete and return their appeal form within 20 school days. It is preferable that all supporting evidence is submitted at the same time as the appeal form. However, if this is not possible, additional information will be accepted up to three working days before the appeal hearing. It is possible that any information submitted after this time will not be considered by the Independent Appeal Panel.
  • All parents will be given the full 20 school days to submit their appeal. No appeals will be heard until the deadline for submitting appeal forms has passed.
  • If you submit your Appeal form after this deadline, your appeal may not be heard with all the other appeals being heard for that school.
  • Parents will be sent a letter informing them of the date and time of the appeal hearing. At least 10 school days notice of the hearing date will be given.

Admission Authority’s case

The Admission Authority is required to produce documentation explaining the reasons why the school place has been refused. This will be sent to parents at least five working days before the appeal hearing.

Notification of the Appeal Panel’s decision

The Appeal Panel’s decision is communicated to you in writing. This is normally within five working days of the appeal hearing.

Appeals for mid-year transfers

Parents are requested to complete and return their Appeal form within 20 school days from the date of notification that their application was unsuccessful.

It is preferable that all supporting evidence is submitted at the same time as the Appeal form. However, if this is not possible, additional information will be accepted up to three working days before the appeal hearing. It is possible that any information submitted after this time will not be considered by the Independent Appeal Panel.

Appeals will usually be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Parents will be sent a letter informing them of the date and time of the appeal hearing. At least 10 school days notice of the hearing date will be given. The Admission Authority is required to produce documentation explaining the reasons why the school place has been refused. This will be sent to parents at least five working days before the appeal hearing. The Appeal Panel’s decision is communicated to parents in writing. This is normally within five working days of the appeal hearing.

If you have any questions regarding school admissions, please contact Wakefield Admissions via email

