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Minsthorpe Community College

Latest News

  • Summer Concert 2024

    Published 01/07/24


    £4 Adults & £2 Children/OAP
    Tickets available from C1

    Enjoy an evening of musical entertainment from the music department

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  • UKMT Maths Challenge

    Published 10/05/24

    240 students in Y7&8 took part in the UKMT Maths Challenge 2 weeks ago. Some brilliant results for our students with lots of Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates awarded! Here are some of our Y7s with their certificates. Well done! πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ₯‡πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‰

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  • Students working with the author Nik Perring!

    Published 03/05/24

    Yesterday over 100 students had the amazing opportunity to work with the author Nik Perring! They demonstrated flair and confidence with some fabulous writing skills βœοΈπŸ“

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  • Team Minsthorpe Newsletter - Spring 2024

    Published 20/03/24

    Read all about it! The Principals are proud to share this term's 'Team Minsthorpe' newsletter. Enjoy reading the articles and browsing the photos of all the enrichment activities this term. 

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  • MCC Presents Addams Family

    Published 07/03/24

    Tickets are selling fast!
    Don't miss out!

    £6 Adults
    £4 Children
    £18 Family (2 adults, 2 children)

    Available from Creative arts at lunch and after school.

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  • Minsthorpe Dance Show

    Published 16/01/24
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  • Team Minsthorpe Newsletter - Winter 2023

    Published 19/12/23

    A term to remember! Read all about it in this term's 'Team Minsthorpe' newsletter. Enjoy the photos & articles about the building (& demolition)  work, as well as all the enrichment activities.

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  • Thank you so much!

    Published 19/12/23

    We have been blown away by the generosity of our College community for the food bank! Thank you so much! This is only a small proportion of what we have been donated. We will continue to collect items all the way up to our last day on Thursday πŸ˜€πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸŽ„

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  • Ofsted Report November 2023

    Published 13/12/23

    There is a focused, purposeful atmosphere around the school, which is underpinned by the school’s vision of motivation, commitment and care.

    Pupils are confident, well-mannered and eager to share their opinions. They work hard in lessons and are keen to succeed.

    Teachers and pupils are clear about expectations and procedures through the ‘Minsthorpe way’ ... As a result, the school is calm and orderly. Staff address any misbehaviour, including low-level disruption to learning, appropriately. Pupils behave well.

    The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils ... Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are involved in all aspects of school life.

    The school has ensured that the sixth-form curriculum meets students’ needs and interests ... This helps sixth-form students to progress on to higher education, apprenticeships and employment.

    Pupils, including students in the sixth form, are taught well-planned and broad curriculums that support pupils’ personal development ... This helps to prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain.

    The school invests in staff’s development. This means that staff feel valued and are proud to work at the school ... Leaders support staff well and consider their workload and well-being.

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  • Christmas Concert 2023

    Published 16/11/23

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Personal Development

    Published 20/09/23

    In our personal development sessions this week, we have focussed on the success of the Lionesses in the summer πŸ‘πŸ»βš½οΈ

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  • KS4 (GCSE) Results 2023

    Published 24/08/23


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  • Post 16 Results 2023

    Published 17/08/23


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  • Team Minsthorpe Newsletter

    Published 19/07/23

    Read all about it! Enjoy reading the articles and browsing the photos of all the exciting activities which Minsthorpe students have been involved in this term. So many great memories have been made! Newsletter

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  • Summer Reading Challenge

    Published 18/07/23
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  • Year 8 Graduation

    Published 14/07/23

    Year 8 graduation this week celebrated some of our fabulous students who have demonstrated our Minsthorpe values - motivation, commitment and care - all through this academic year.

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  • Winners of our Coronation Competition

    Published 05/05/23

    Winners of our Coronation Competition have enjoyed a tea party this afternoon!

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  • The King’s Coronation competition

    Published 03/05/23

    Here are some of the great entries to The King’s Coronation competition! Selected winners will be invited to a Royal Tea Party on Friday afternoon #Kingscoronation

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  • Changes to College Day

    Published 20/04/23
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  • Team Minsthorpe Newsletter

    Published 29/03/23

    Enjoy reading this term's 'Team Minsthorpe' newsletter. Be inspired by the involvement of our wonderful students in activities inside and outside College, at home and abroad. Thank you to parents/carers and staff for supporting these fantastic opportunities. Newsletter

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  • Auschwitz Project

    Published 22/03/23

    Four P16 students were selected to be part of the Lessons from Auschwitz project with @holocaustUK and visited Poland last week. A memorable and moving experience for them all.

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  • Neurodiversity Week

    Published 14/03/23

    Our students have been learning about neurodiversity this week #everybodysdifferenteverybodybelongs

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  • Exciting Events

    Published 07/03/23
    We have a number of exciting events for our students this week including presentations from Cambridge University, Careers Fair, Y8 Options event and Y9 work shadowing. Click to see more about our CEIAG programme
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  • Thank you Tom

    Published 02/03/23

    It was a real pleasure to welcome @tombennett71 to see Team Minsthorpe in action yesterday. Also, thank you for the inspiring INSET twilight and insightful feedback πŸ‘πŸ»

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  • World Book Day 2023

    Published 02/03/23

    Today we have celebrated World Book Day by exploring extracts from books that have the theme of ‘Children facing challenges’ #wbd2023 πŸ“šπŸŒ

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  • You Can Do It!

    Published 03/02/23

    You Can Do It!

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  • Spring Term competition and our LOVE for β€˜Reading for Pleasure’

    Published 25/01/23

    Take a look at our fabulous Spring Term competition and our LOVE for ‘Reading for Pleasure’.  We are sure our students will come up with some great designs! πŸ“šπŸŒŸπŸ’–

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  • Congratulations to all Year 7 students

    Published 20/01/23

    Congratulations to all Year 7 students for their fantastic Knowledge Assessment scores! The year group average was an impressive 60.8% and 72 pupils improved their total scores.
    Here are our 3 top performers! Well done!

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  • PC Gray our new SSPO

    Published 17/01/23

    A warm Minsthorpe welcome to PC Gray who is our new SSPO. He will be based in college one day a week. Here he is meeting some of our Y7 students at lunch today!

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  • Embracing Our Reading Culture

    Published 06/01/23

    Congratulations to all our students who are embracing our reading culture at MCC. There was so much to celebrate as the Autumn term came to a close…. Our exemplary Student Librarians received their Principals’ Lapel Badges; the number of students with their own reading book increased, the Book Nook reading room was packed (with some lucky students winning Advent book prizes); there was a fantastic engagement in the LLC Christmas competition; and students demonstrated their passion for reading by writing book reviews and attending the weekly Book Club.  Bring on 2023!

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  • Enrichment Programme Spring 2023

    Published 03/01/23

    Book now for your enrichment activities for this half term via School Gateway! See the full programme here

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  • Read all about it! Team Minsthorpe Newsletter - December 2022

    Published 14/12/22
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  • Year 9 Persuasive Writing

    Published 12/12/22
    As a college, we collect donations every year for the Westfield Lane Foodbank. Our Year 9’s have shown great empathy towards families struggling with the cost of living crisis and have written letters to encourage donations to such a great caus
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  • Reverse Advent calendar

    Published 09/12/22
    A huge thank you for the donations to our Reverse Advent calendar so far. If you can, please donate at the gates in the morning πŸŽπŸŽ„
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  • P16 Holderness Field Trip

    Published 09/12/22
    Our A Level Geography students braved the Arctic weather to complete their fieldwork on the Holderness coast yesterday. Hope they have thawed out!
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  • The Creative Classroom!

    Published 11/11/22
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  • Mrs Hetherington Wins National Award!

    Published 10/11/22

    Pat Hetherington  - Winner of the NASEN Award for Learning Support Staff Member - October 2022

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  • Remembrance Day

    Published 04/11/22
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  • At Minsthorpe we READ

    Published 21/10/22

    What a super half-term seeing so many students ‘Reading for Pleasure’ during P&A time and at social times. It’s great to hold discussions with students about their chosen book. Our fantastic Y8 Student Librarians were also awarded their Principals’ lapel badges in assembly this week.

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  • Thank you!

    Published 18/10/22
    A huge thank you to all the student helpers who supported the Year 6 Open Evening last night! You were brilliant ambassadors for our College- it really was Team Minsthorpe in action! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸŽ‰
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  • Creative activities in September

    Published 30/09/22

    A sneaky peak of what’s been happening in creative this Sept! Y7 rapping in Music Y11 Refining skills in Art Y13 preparing a performance for primary schools in Drama A fantastic start, with amazing outcomes being produced! Keep up the good work, TEAM CREATIVE! 🎀🎨🎭

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  • Quality Mark Award

    Published 13/09/22
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  • Queen Elizabeth II - Statement of Condolence

    Published 12/09/22


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  • KS4 (GCSE) Results Day 2022

    Published 25/08/22

    This morning has been a wonderful occasion with students, parents and staff at Minsthorpe Community College celebrating exceptional GCSE results. Minsthorpe Community College has seen a significant rise in the grades achieved by students across the vast majority of subjects. The diligence and dedication of students and their teachers has led to the highest ever attainment 8 score for the College (including Teacher Assessed grades in 2020 and 2021). Given all the obstacles which students have had to overcome, due to the pandemic, their achievements are particularly impressive.

    The GCSE and vocational achievements this week, in addition to fantastic A level results last week, will make a significant impact on the life chances of our students. The Joint Principals Mr Gilmore and Mrs Merritt state, ‘It is truly a team effort and everyone plays their part in motivating our students to be the best that they can be. Our fantastic results represent the hard work and commitment of all the students, staff and parents’.

    The College is particularly proud of the Motivation, Commitment and Care which all students have demonstrated, however there were numerous individual standout student successes including Keira Bloomer, Sally Hilton, Jasmine Rubery, Abigail Swift, Mason Skelding, Amelia Hodge and Ella-Rose Treacy. These students not only achieved multiple high grades across a range of subjects but demonstrated fantastic progress throughout their time at Minsthorpe Community College due their outstanding attendance and commitment to their learning. A particular special mention goes to Travis Phillips who has achieved six grade 9s and three Distinction*. Travis has now enrolled on a Level 3 Musical Theatre course and we are confident that his success will continue.

    We are delighted that lots of our students are now returning to Minsthorpe’s Post 16 to continue their learning journey and would like to wish those who have chosen other paths into apprenticeships or employment the very best for the future.

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  • Post 16 Results Day 2022

    Published 18/08/22



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  • Team Minsthorpe Summer 2022!

    Published 19/07/22

    What a term we have had! Enjoy reading all about it in the 'Team Minsthorpe' newsletter which includes some beautiful photos of Sports Day & the Year 11 Prom.

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  • School Games Gold Award 21/22

    Published 11/07/22

    We are delighted to announce that Minsthorpe Community College has been recognised with a National Award for our outstanding commitment to sport.

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  • Sports Day – Friday, 8th July 2022

    Published 01/07/22
    Sports Day – Friday, 8th July 2022
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  • Summer Concert 2022

    Published 24/06/22
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  • Congratulations Post 16!

    Published 24/06/22

    Congratulations to our Post 16 students who have completed their exams. Have a fabulous Summer & we wish you success as you continue on your journey. We look forward to seeing you on results days (A level and BTEC/CTEC Level 3- Thursday 18th August. GCSE, Level 2 CTEC Thursday 25th August). Careers support is available over the Summer

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  • Class of 2022

    Published 23/06/22

    It was brilliant to give our Year 11's a guard of honour leaving site this morning after their last exam.

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  • Congratulations Year 11!

    Published 23/06/22

    Today most Year 11 students have finished their exams. We are so proud of them. We wish them a very safe and happy summer and look forward to sharing their success on results day (Thursday 25th August). Careers support is available over the Summer

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  • Throwback Thursday

    Published 17/06/22

    Throwback Thursday

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