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Minsthorpe Community College

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Careers Lead Tim Dowey
Contact E-Mail
Contact Telephone Number 01977 657600

If students, parents/carers, teachers and employers have any questions about Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance, please contact Mr Tim Dowey (Careers Lead) via


The information in this section of our website will be reviewed in August 2024


Our vision and Commitment to careers education is for the creation of a Caring partnership that Motivates the lives of young people, enabling our students to make aspirational, informed and realistic future work and life choices


At Minsthorpe Community College we are committed to providing outstanding CEIAG for all students. The College values of “Motivation, Commitment and Care ‘’ underpin the work of the Careers office in preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. A planned progressive programme of activities supports them in choosing pathways that suit their interests and abilities and help them to follow a career path and sustain employability throughout their working lives.

Documents and Policies

Please visit our Statutory Policies and Publications page for our CEIAG policies, which are reviewed in line with statutory requirements – all below are stored there.


Students & Parents / Carers Section


We are proud to have achieved the Quality in Careers Standard and Gatsby Benchmarks. We continue to follow the statutory DfE Careers Guidance and Access for education and training providers Statutory Guidance (July 2021) and other good practice guidance from the DfE, Ofsted and other relevant bodies.

We recognise that we have a responsibility to ensure all students at the college are provided with independent careers guidance (Education Act 2011) in relation to guidance from section 45A of the Education Act 1997.

The Careers Information, Advice & Guidance Education programme at Minsthorpe Community College enables our students to make a successful transition into their chosen pathway.  As part of our pledge towards giving our students the best possible experience, our Careers Leader has attended The Teach First Careers Leader training programme.

Students have access to a range of careers support delivered through a variety of ways. All students will have a one-to-one guidance appointment delivered by an impartial qualified careers adviser, Students can request a guidance appointment at any time throughout their academic life and students will be offered support at key transition points such as Key Stage 4 options, Year 11 progression planning and UCAS application for those who want to progress on to university. Parents are able to attend appointments and careers guidance specialists will be at parent evenings to provide any further careers support.

We aim to provide ALL students with a comprehensive CEIAG Programme. Careers Education consists of explicit lessons through Learning for Life, supporting students to develop skills, knowledge and understanding about how to manage their own learning and career development. College will provide a learning environment where the importance of CEIAG is referenced across all curriculum areas. Through careers education, information, advice and guidance, students will be able to feel positive about themselves, improve their motivation and raise aspirations, taking responsibility for their own career pathways.

To evaluate our careers programme, we need to set out what we want our aims to be; Careers Education & Guidance is an important element within the college’s overall aims and objectives.  Within a programme of broad and balanced education, it stimulates individual students to access skills, knowledge and values essential in managing lifelong learning and career development and aims to ensure that all students progress into a positive destination. 

Our careers programme enables students to:

  • Develop a knowledge of themselves, strengths, weaknesses, personal qualities and have a balanced view of their potential
  • Investigate education, training and career opportunities in learning and work
  • Make informed choices regarding the above
  • Develop their independence and sense of responsibility
  • Prepare for the responsibilities of adulthood

Encourage participation in continued learning including higher education and further education (including apprenticeship opportunities)

What are the Gatsby Benchmarks?

In December 2017, the Department for Education released its new career guidance strategy which placed the eight Gatsby Career Benchmarks at its heart.  At Minsthorpe, we have embraced the Gatsby Benchmarks into our education programme. 

​The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are:

  1. A STABLE CAREERS PROGRAMME - Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers.
  2. LEARNING FROM CAREER AND LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION - Every student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.
  3. ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF EACH STUDENT - Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.
  4. LINKING CURRICULUM LEARNING TO CAREERS - All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths
  5. ENCOUNTERS WITH EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES - Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.
  6. EXPERIENCES OF WORKPLACES - Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities and expand their networks.
  7. ENCOUNTERS WITH FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION - All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.
  8. PERSONAL GUIDANCE - Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all students but should be timed to meet their individual needs.

CEIAG at Minsthorpe Community College

1) Careers Education: Planned programmes in the curriculum giving students knowledge and skills to help them to plan  and manage their own career.

2) Career Information: The school provides students with an internal Careers Information Hub through student SharePoint, where information can be researched on areas including options, skills, occupations, labour market information (LMI), career pathways and progression routes.

3) Careers Advice and Guidance: Independent and impartial careers advice and guidance provided by Level 6 qualified careers advisors.

4) Work Related Learning: Experiences within and outside the curriculum to help students learn about economic well-being, careers and enterprise.

CEIAG in the curriculum

Learning for Life (L4L) is a key component in the Minsthorpe Careers programme. Through L4L we have dedicated careers time (1hr 40 minutes fortnightly) which allows our students to benefit from quality CEIAG from a variety of professionals and experienced staff. Not only do we have set topics (see below) but L4L enables us to provide a variety of talks from external speakers, these include DWP, Ask Apprenticeships, LEP, Production Park and many more.


Careers Learning in the Curriculum

Curriculum Area


Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance covered

Applied Science


Students will carry out industry-standard laboratory practices while gaining an appreciation for analytical Science. The course covers aspects of A-level Biology, Chemistry and Physics and a further Genetics module. Skills developed throughout this course are transferrable to further education and jobs within the industry


7 - 13

An in-depth look at Careers and Higher education routes within the Art Industry.  Students also research pathways of famous Artists. Students taking part in Sculpture Park Project, promoting careers in building, construction and architecture industries.


7 - 13

Students look at the careers within the medical profession, research area including Biotechnology, microbiology, genetics and biochemistry, gaining an understanding of the role Biology plays in the development of drugs & antibiotics and the link to pharmaceutical careers.  Students also research sectors within the environmental science profession and look at other areas including forensic science, sports science, gene therapist and psychiatrist.



The course includes units on the legal system, marketing, business and personal finance – the course is aimed at preparing students to work in business and administration. Students research Careers within accountancy, banking, marketing, the legal system and entrepreneurship, gaining a valuable insight into the world of work and how to use labour market information.


7 - 13

Student’s research job roles within the medical and research professions, they look at roles including Doctors, Radiographers, Dentists and Medicine Development. Within the research profession students cover job roles such as biotechnology and biochemistry. Distinct links between careers and the learning are made an integral part of learning.  Examples include realising the opportunities of formulation scientists, forensic scientists, and chemical analysts.  Opportunities are created within lessons to have bespoke discussions with students to further their understanding of how their learning links directly to available careers.

Creative Digital Media

7 - 13

Students look at job roles within the CDM Industry. They research Pre-production skills, creating Digital Graphics, creating a multi-page website and looking at the world of creative digital animation. Students also look at the wider skills they are developing, for example when learning about programming they learn that this isn’t only for gaming, it is also very important in the world of banking, hacking and encryption.




Criminology is the study of criminal behaviour and its impact.  Students explore why are some people more likely to commit crimes than others? Why do some crimes go unreported? Which methods of punishment are most effective? What happens in a courtroom? Students also research job roles that are relevant to Criminology.


7 - 13

Students complete research task into the job roles within the performing arts industry. they explore performance and production contracts and look at salaries and how they differ for different sectors.


7 – 13

Lessons have explicit links to future careers in English e.g., editing, journalism, playwriting, acting etc. Students explicitly look at Journalism in Key Stage 3 – creating newspaper articles from the texts being read. Students also look at descriptive writing and editing, as well as speaking, listening and presenting skills that will help in the world of work. Students explore the importance of being able to properly proof-read and use basic literacy in any career when writing emails etc. Skills developed through English are also explored and related to specific job roles. Teaching 'An Inspector Calls' in Years 9 & 10, students learn about the introduction of the Welfare State in the 1940's, including National Insurance. We discuss typical wages and contributions and refer to LMI for different careers.


7 - 13

Students look at the positives of studying a foreign language. Discussing careers that languages are used commonly in, and how they can enhance job prospects. Students discuss future study ideas, looking at routes into University and Apprenticeships. Students also discuss Job preferences and look at part time work and the advantages and disadvantages of working or not working.

Hospitality & Catering / Food

7 - 13

Exploring roles, responsibilities and other key areas in the catering and hospitality industry. There are links to a career at every point in the lesson, if students are undertaking practical work there are links to the specific type of job or other careers it can benefit. There are also links to current degrees and jobs such as food scientists, product development, hospitality management etc


7 - 13

Students look at the different sectors of employment within Geography, exploring how they have changed over time. Students also look at logistics in different industries, looking at how a mobile phone goes from being made to ending up on shop shelves. Geography also highlights career opportunities wherever possible e.g., working for Environment Agency when teaching flooding or the changing economic structures, urban development etc.

Health & Social Care

7 - 13

Our students explore careers within the Health Care sector, they also have the opportunity to gain some valuable work experience in settings such as the NHS and other Care settings. Links are developed through lessons to skills required in specific roles/ circumstances, and how we develop the skills and knowledge to understand the sector.


7 -13

Students explore and link the skills they develop through their studies of History and link these to different careers.

Learning for Life



Introduction to Careers & Morrisby – Students will undertake an initial assessment to see how Morrisby works and how they can use it to look at GCSE options and career pathways.  Students understand how their skills can support them into career pathways.  Students also gain knowledge on progression routes andresearch job roles that relate to diverse careers.



Option choices - Students supported with options research, Internal and external presentations looking at GCSE options to support choices.  Also, students and parents can attend options evening and 1-1 guidance sessions to look at research and how students have come to their choices.



Students where possible “will go to work” with a family member so that they can get an experience of a workplace. Where this is not possible, we will look at visits or virtual work experience activities that can be undertaken in college or locally.  External programme put in place to support our Year 9 students with CEIAG, Companies such as Next PLC, Engie and Morgan Sindall to support with activity-based programmes.


CV Writing & Mock Interview - Students complete a CV and then undertake a mock Interview with a local employer – the employer provides feedback regarding the students Interview and CV.


Application & Progression Pathways - Students are supported through the progression routes from year 11, external talks looking at Apprenticeships, College / University. We also look at Interview preparation and transferable skills to support next steps. External talks from Job Centre + regarding Interview techniques, students will also hear from an external provider about Higher and Further Education. We will also have Linda Beaver (ASK Apprenticeships) discussing apprenticeships with our students.


7 - 11

Discuss how maths is used in different occupations, such as an accountant. Students also look at the different Mathematical skills they are developing and a range of different careers that they are useful for. E.G linking as many maths problems as possible to where students would need to use the skills in shops. So best buys in supermarkets, parentages for shop sales etc


7 - 13

All music industry job roles are covered, and students also learn about unions, venues, licensing etc. Students Involved In putting on a big musical production incorporating lots of backstage roles, leadership and directorial roles, developing key skills for the creative industry. Students get experience in performing and music tech which are common roles in the music industry. They also visit Huddersfield University to explore music tech job roles and future education pathways

Performing Arts

7 - 13

Exploring the performing Arts – Developing and applying the understanding of performing Styles by exploring the wok of the industry. Preparation, Performance and Production – Understanding and applying the skills required for all job roles of the industry in order to put on a performance event. Students also develop Skills and Techniques for Live Performance – developing and applying the skills of a live performer.


7 - 13

An in-depth look at Careers and Higher education routes within the photography Industry.


7 - 13

Students explore job roles within the medical profession, areas that they look at include Doctors, Radiographers and Dentists. Within Physics they also look at the role Physics plays in the Engineering sector, exploring roles within engineering such as Civil, Automotive, Aerospace, MOD and bio engineering. Other areas they research include product design, space exploration, particle physics and sports science.

Product Design

7 - 11

By linking the lesson objective and skills learned to how they can be used in a variety of different jobs students explore a variety of job roles including, technical drawing, CAD operators, graphic design packaging, technicians, computer programming and the energy Industry. Also, students gain an understanding of LMI through discussion around the careers link we refer to in lessons.



Students research career areas such as psychology, clinical psychology, nursing, teaching, law, and counselling. Gaining an understanding of skills needed and how they are used within the industry.



Students research job roles such as social work, counselling, probation officer and the police. We also provide a variety of talks and visits with the Police force, magistrate’s court and solicitors

Science Week

7 -11

Careers feature as part of the activities within science week.


7 - 13

STEM club runs after college – Several STEM off site trips are planned, as well as external activities that take place within the college – E.G. Tomorrows Engineers

Sport/ PE

7 - 13

Students look at different areas within the sports world, they look at Health & Safety at work, learning how to risk assess. Student’s study and take part in the organisation of a sport event, developing key leadership and management skills. Student’s study and practically carry out skills that are required in many different vocational roles within sport. Roles include, management, first aid, rehabilitation, fitness testing and training, sports coaching & leadership, performance analysis & working safely in sport. Teachers also highlight the importance of the skills being developed and that are required for the current topic, these are highlighted at the start of each lesson.


7 - 11

Explore careers within textiles and manufacturing. We link each lesson to specific careers and the world of work and how the skills we develop in lessons are linked to industry and jobs

Work Skills Programme


This course is aimed at preparing students for working life – this includes applying for jobs, working in teams, solving work related problems and involves work experience.  Experts come in from the world of industry to talk about apprenticeships and job opportunities.  They also work alongside students on project work.

Ruth Evans (Quality in Careers Standard Assessor) said in her report in 2022:

There is clearly an all-staff approach to CEIAG, with strong backing from SLT along with good and open communication across all teams. 1-to-1 careers interviews appear very strong from the evidence, and there is a definite commitment to support all students, responding to their individual requests for guidance

What should I study?

Do you ever wonder why you study certain subjects? Students, please click on the image below and sign into student SharePoint to discover career pathways and the skills you will develop from your educational studies.


What is an alumni association?

The alumni is an association of former students and staff. In the past, they were often considered to be the school’s old boy/girl society. Today, alumni associations involve former students and staff of all age groups and demographics. Lifelong friendships are formed at school. Former students and staff remember their school days with great affection.

Sign up to our alumni association

Did you attend Minsthorpe 6th Form?*
 Please select
Did you go onto University?*
 Please select
Did you undertake an Apprenticeship?*
 Please select
How do you want to support the careers programme?


To get your career started you usually need a combination of experience and qualifications. An apprenticeship gives you both by combining on the job training with study (usually one day a week) meaning you can earn while you learn. With some apprenticeships you can even get a degree.
It usually takes between one and four years to complete an apprenticeship depending on which level you take. Apprenticeships are available across a wide range of industries and many high quality, prestigious companies offer them. 
If you have no work experience on your CV, or you’d like to get a taster of a particular job or industry, you might like to consider work experience first.

Destination Data – (Source Connexions)



We read of reports asking for a better prepared workforce and that school leavers need more support to help them make the transition from school to the world of work.

Minsthorpe Community College is seeking to form business partnerships to bridge this gap and support our students in gaining the skills they – and businesses – need for the world of work.

We are always on the lookout for employers who have ideas to support our students.

If you would like to help develop the employability skills of our students as well as giving them an awareness of career roles, then please contact Tim Dowey at

Evaluation And Feedback Data

Minsthorpe Community College regularly measures and assesses the impact of the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) work undertaken within college. Students, parents/carers, external providers, and staff are asked to feedback their experiences of our careers activities.

Our students are our number one priority and the feedback from stakeholders is essential for us to evaluate and reflect on the work undertaken and look at ways of how we can improve our CEIAG programme within college.

The feedback below is from our Year 11 leavers 2023.

The below feedback was taken at the Year 9 parents evening, the students have been learning about LMI (Labour Market Information), Apprenticeships, Skills and the importance of work experience during their L4L (Learning for Life) lessons. The students have also used Morrisby to look at their skills, strengths and career pathways.



Go Higher West Yorkshire

The information has been compiled to assist all stakeholders in supporting learners’ attainment and aspirations, inform their choices about courses and careers, and guide them through the application process on their journey to Higher Education.


Job Profiles

Follow these links to read more about a range of jobs and careers.


LMI (Labour Market Information)

The Labour Market report provides an assessment of West Yorkshire’s skills needs based on a detailed analysis of the supply and demand of skills in the area. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of the local labour market, including structural factors which may continue to impact the region in the future.

Careerometer (LMI For All)


Qualifications Explained


At Minsthorpe Community College, we support students throughout their journey into Higher Education.  Students in Year 7 & 8 have presentations from York University as part of the “Shine” programme. The careers fair attracts universities from all over Yorkshire.

Students in P16 can access many university programmes to support their progression into higher education – these include Realising Opportunities, YESS programme, Progression plus. There are also two university visits that students can access free of charge.

We have a UCAS support group that runs as part of the Post 16 enrichment programme. Students are fully supported through the UCAS application process and students can access 1-1 support where needed.






Year 11 progression pathways

What is raising the participation age?

Raising the participation age was introduced in 2012 and means you must continue in education or training until you are 18. It does not mean you must stay in school; you can choose one of the following options

  • Stay in full-time education (e.g., school or college)
  • Take up work-based learning (e.g., an apprenticeship or traineeship)
  • Take up full-time work with additional part-time learning (at least 280 planned hours of education a year) which will result in an accredited qualification
  • Combine self-employment with part-time learning, leading to an accredited qualification
  • Volunteer (for 20+ hours) with the addition of part-time learning, leading to an accredited qualification




