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Minsthorpe Community College

Year 6 Transition

Welcome to Minsthorpe!

Hello! I am very pleased to welcome you to the Minsthorpe Community College Transition and Transfer pages.

I am Mrs Drysdale and I liaise closely with our primary feeder schools to ensure all children receive a smooth transition experience in preparation for starting with us as Year 7 students in September.

Mrs Drysdale
Associate Assistant Principal (Transition and Enrichment)

Transition Year

The jump up from Primary to Secondary School is an exciting time for children as well as their parents and families, and the staff here at Minsthorpe Community College provide a full programme of activities and experiences designed to make the process as comfortable and easy as possible.

The transition programme activities include:

Open evening for parents and pupils

Opportunities throughout the year to visit the college including numerous sports competitions and festivals, performing arts productions and a variety of music concerts

Induction Day visit and Parents Information Evening

Visits to Primary Schools in Summer Term with Mrs Drysdale and the new Year 7 Cross-Curricular Team Leader

We also offer a more bespoke transition experience for children who will be starting with us with specialised or specific needs. Please read the Minsthorpe Continuum of Support Leaflet for more information.

If you feel your child would benefit from this additional experience, please do not hesitate to contact me in College.

I look forward to working with you throughout the transition period and throughout your child’s time here at Minsthorpe Community College.

Mrs Laura Drysdale
Associate Assistant Principal (Transition and Enrichment)


